What Teeth Bonding Procedure and Post care

What Teeth Bonding Procedure and Post care

Teeth Bonding Procedure

Procedure of Teeth Bonding 

 Preparation Step Teeth bonding is not a very complicated procedure and in most cases, even anesthesia is not required. It might be required if bonding is used for filling a decayed tooth, the shape of teeth needs to be changed with drilling, or the procedure requires to be carried out. In this step, the dentist makes use of a shade guide for selecting the appropriate color of composite resin that matches very closely with the color of the tooth.

 Process of Bonding – In this step, the dentist first roughens the tooth’s surface and applies a conditioning liquid. The use of the liquid plays a vital role in helping the bonding material firmly stick to the surface of the tooth. Then the resin is applied, moulded, and ultimately smoothed to the required shape. The applied resin is hardened with the help of a laser or bright light. Once the resin is hardened, the dentist further trims it into the right shape and polishes it until it matches the sheen of the rest of the tooth’s surface.

 Time Taken – The time taken to complete the teeth bonding procedure ranges from 30 minutes to an hour per tooth. The teeth bonding price depends upon the total number of teeth where the procedure needs to be carried out. 

 What are the Risks Involved in bonding ?

A tooth bonding does not involve any kind of severe risks and is a relatively safe procedure. But it is to be kept in mind that the composite resins used in teeth bonding for gaps, cracks, or others are not strong as the natural material. Since they are not strong as natural teeth, they might chip when one eats ice, hard candies, or other similar hard things. It can also chip if one bites fingernails, chews pencils, or anything similar. Moreover, the resin used is also not resistant to stains and hence discoloration can occur when stain-causing foods or drinks are consumed a lot.

 How to Take Care of Your Bonded Tooth?

Taking good care of your teeth after the teeth bonding treatment makes sure that the results are long-lasting. Here are a few important self-care steps to follow for getting the most out of teeth bonding.

  • Brushing at least two times a day and flossing daily
  • Avoid eating any kind of hard foods and candies
  • Refraining from biting your nails
  • Limit the intake of tea, coffee, and tobacco for at least the first two days after the procedure is completed to avoid stains to form
  • It would be ideal to opt for regular dental cleanings every six months

At any point of time, if you accidentally break or chip the bonding material, or if you feel any kind of sharp or rough edges after the procedure is completed, do not waste even a moment and get in touch with your dentist.